Sunday, December 27, 2020

Good learning media to use for learning activities at home

 In my opinion, there should be a face-to-face meeting even if it is only once a week, either face to face or using zoom as an intermediary so that there is direct interaction between teachers and students.

Although the role of technology and media can support the learning process, the teacher will still function as the main key that acts to improve quality and competence in order to create an effective learning atmosphere for students, as well as parents of students, who play an important role in the continuity of distance learning as a continuation of material delivery what the teacher should have done.

Analyzing distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic

 I think distance learning is ineffective, the teacher cannot assess and help with character building and social interaction in children.

Distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the fabric of life for people around the world, including in Indonesia. Since the Coronavirus outbreak hit Indonesia, the government has enforced various strict regulations to prevent further spread. One of the policies for education is distance learning. This distance learning is a policy issued by the government, especially the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools and campuses.

    I have interviewed my young brother who was still in junior high school and he thought distance learning was uncomfortable, he could not fully understand the material, he could not ask the teacher as usual, and he had more assignments than before when he was in school. Another obstacle is that when he starts trying to do a task on his cellphone, there is always the temptation to open games or other social media. According to his statement, the media used during PJJ were: Google Calssroom, Quipper, and WhatsApp. He also conveyed some of the advantages of distance learning, namely that he can do assignments while eating or postpone it and then do it at another time. but still according to him he prefers studying at school than studying at home.

He hopes that he can go to school as usual so he can meet his friends and teachers directly.

Good learning media to use for learning activities at home

 In my opinion, there should be a face-to-face meeting even if it is only once a week, either face to face or using zoom as an intermediary ...